Digital Books
Purchasing Electronic Books from Atomic Fez Publishing
There are four possible ways to do this, depending on your hardware or how much you wish to ensure more money goes to the authors and their publisher and are willing to do without a few display options (in some rare instances). Click the button below which is appropriate for your situation.
Purchasing Electronic Books Directly from Atomic Fez Publishing
When you purchase a digital book directly from this site, Atomic Fez provides you with DRM-free files containing no global restrictions and are completely wide-open for any purpose you may have for the book and can be transferred to any hardware you wish to read the book on, for any amount of time, permitting any number of transfers to and from your mobile and desk-bound hardware and back again; both today and into the future!
You'll get a *.ZIP file with the following formats inside it:
- ePUB (rapidly becoming the international standard; suitable for more than a dozen different hardware applications, including the B&N Nook, Sony Reader, Android-based mobile phones, any of the the Kobo eReader models, plus the Apple iPad and iPhone using iOS 5 and up)
- PDF (suitable for Adobe Reader on desktops, laptops, or netbooks)
- MOBI / PRC (suitable for loading directly to the Amazon Kindle after changing the file extension to “*.KMZ”; for use without alteration on the earlier models of the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch, as well as the .Mobipocket Reader software for PDAs)
- Some titles released during 2010 & 2011 may also include:
- HTML (suitable for using a browser for software; any version of Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari will work just fine)
- PDB (Palm's eReader format, suitable for most models in their hardware line)
Please respect the Authors' copyright by not sharing or otherwise distributing their work without remuneration. The writers make a portion of their living from people buying and reading these books, so you're helping to ensure they can sleep indoors and eat actual food. So far, we've done pretty well with improving some lives, and they seem to be getting used to sleeping where it's dry.
Payments are processed through PayPal using the same process as for the paper versions, and once the transaction is completed you will be returned to a page where you will download the .ZIP file containing all the file formats listed above. If you have a problem during the process, just send an e-mail to and you'll be sent a copy once the problem's been checked into (almost always a small portion of a day).
Nearly all of the digital book files provided to you in the ZIP package are lovingly crafted by the wonderful people at B10 Mediaworx of Kansas City, Missouri. If you want to find out more about them and their books or superior e-book formatting, select their name above and browse around their site. It's worth a look if for no other reason than merely glancing at their books' smokin' hot cover art. Hubba-hubba!
Purchasing Electronic Books via Kobo
If you choose to use the Kobo software and retail site, the links on the covers below are extraneous as you can purchase books directly through the Kobo web-site or the Kobo desktop platform, and then sync with the device of your choice. You can even purchase directly through your device using a wi-fi connection. If, however, you want to make a note of the exact title of the book in order to do a quick search on your device, then click the cover of the book you want in the table below, and you'll be taken right to the page on the site.
To learn who and what Kobo is about, head here to learn how they do things. They have award-winning devices, or you can download one of their free apps for your Apple Mac, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, or iPad Mini; Blackberry® PlayBook and smartphones; as well as Windows and Android™-enabled mobile handsets, desktop computers, and tablets.
The House That Death Built
John Llewellyn Probert
Purchase THE HOUSE THAT DEATH BUILT in the Kobo Store
The Terror and the Tortoiseshell
John Travis
Purchasing Electronic Books via Amazon's Kindle Store
If you use the Amazon Kindle retail site, the links below could be considered extraneous as you can purchase books directly from your Kindle device. However, if you prefer to purchase via a web browser, then click the cover image for the title you wish to purchase, and you'll be taken right to the correct page on the site.
The House That Death Built
John Llewellyn Probert
Purchase THE HOUSE THAT DEATH BUILT in the Kindle Store
The Terror and the Tortoiseshell
John Travis
Purchasing Electronic Books via Barnes & Noble's Nook Store
If you use Barnes & Noble's Nook retail site, the links below could be considered extraneous as you can purchase books directly from your Nook device. However, if you prefer to purchase via a web browser, then click the cover image for the title you wish to purchase, and you'll be taken right to the correct page on the B&N site.
The House That Death Built
John Llewellyn Probert
Purchase THE HOUSE THAT DEATH BUILT in the Nook Store
The Terror and the Tortoiseshell
John Travis