Founded in May 2009 and formally launched in 2010 at the UK-hosted World Horror Convention, Atomic Fez Publishing is the Canadian press that provides hard-to-categorize but eminently readable fiction, including horror, humour, fantasy and noir, with an occasional dash of erotica. Titles include: I, Death by Mark Leslie; Sleepless Knights by Mark H Williams; Dirk Danger Loves Life by Chris Rothe; The Designated Coconut and The Terror and the Tortoiseshell by John Travis; The House That Death Built and Wicked Delights by John Llewellyn Probert; Ponthe Oldenguine by Andrew Hook; and Terribilis by Carol Weekes.
Atomic Fez, its proprietor-publisher Ian Alexander Martin, and its authors are dedicated to the creation of genre-busting, new edge fiction, and to the concept of the book as entertainment.
Slipstream, steam-punk, hard-boiled, horror, pulp, noir, mash-up… call it what you will. Atomic Fez publishes books the same way that Terry Gilliam directs films: with a healthy respect for readers’ capacity to use their imagination. Atomic Fez fiction is for you.
For the latest news from Atomic Fez, click here, for exclusive interviews with Atomic Fez authors (part of an ongoing series), click here, and for all the different ways to get a copy of an Atomic Fez title into your hot little hands, click here. Last but never least: enjoy!